Publications Prof. Madjid Samii, MD

German & English

1 M. Samii. Hirntumor und Gravidität, Mainz:University Mainz, 1964.
2 K. Schürmann and M Samii. Die Pneumozisternographie mit Tomographie der sagittalen Mittelebene in der Diagnostik der medianen intrakraniellen Tumoren. In: Radiological and Ultrasonic Diagnostic Methods; Radiotherapy, edited by K. Schürmann and M Samii, Budapest:Acta 25.Conventus Neuropsychiatrici et EEG Hungarici Budapestini, 1964, p. 723-731.
3 M Samii. Zur Diagnostik der Tumoren des Clivus. In: Deutscher Röntgenkongress 1967, edited by L. Diethelm, Baden-Baden:Georg Thieme Verlag, 1967, p. 125-126.
4 K. Schürmann and M. Samii. [Pneumocisternography with tomography of the sagittal plain in the diagnosis of the median intracranial tumors] Die Pneumozisternographie mit Tomographie der sagittalen Mittelebene in der Diagnostik der medianen intrakraniellen Tumoren. EDAT- 1967/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1967/01/01 00:00. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 16 (1):173-174, 1967.
5 H. J. Reulen, M Samii, A. Koczorek, A. Baethmann, and K. Schürmann. Diuretics in Cerebral Edema. In: Renaler Transport und Diuretica, edited by K. Thurau and H. Jahrmarker, Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 1968, p. 469-479.
6 M Samii, K. Schürmann, and van de Weyer KH. Primärer Clivustumor und dorsoselläres Adenom. In: Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Neurochirurgie, edited by K. A. Bushe, Göttingen:Hippokrates Verlag, 1968, p. 164-168.
7 M. Samii, van de Weyer KH, and K. Schürmann. [The normal and pathologic x-ray tomographic film of the prepontomedullary and interpeduncular cisterns] Das normale und pathologische Rontgenschichtbild der prapontomedullaren und interpedunkularen Zisternen. EDAT- 1968/04/01 00:00 MHDA- 1968/04/01 00:00. Fortschr.Geb.Rontgenstr.Nuklearmed. 108 (4):515-522, 1968.
8 M. Samii, K. Jork, and K. Schürmann. [Pneumencephalo-tomography in the differential diagnosis of tumorous and inflammatory processes near the sella] Die Pneumenzephalo-Tomographie in der Differentialdiagnostik tumoroser und entzundlicher sellanaher Prozesse. EDAT- 1968/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1968/01/01 00:00. Klin.Monatsbl.Augenheilkd. 153 (6):761-770, 1968.
9 M. Samii, H. J. Reulen, F. Fenske, U. Hase, and K. Schürmann. Energy Metabolism, Lactate/Pyruvate ratio and Extracellular Space in Cortex and White Matter Adjacent to and Distant from a local Freezing Lesion. In: N.N., edited by M Samii, Mainz:Department of Neurosurgery, University of Mainz, 1968, p. 15-17.
10 M. Samii, van de Weyer KH, and K. Schürmann. [The cisterno-tomography in the diagnosis of infratentorial space requiring processes] Die Cisterno-Tomographie in der Diagnostik infratentorieller Raumforderungen. EDAT- 1968/12/01 00:00 MHDA- 1968/12/01 00:00. Radiologe 8 (12):373-374, 1968.
11 M. Samii and K. Schürmann. [Intracisternal demonstration of the cerebral vessels with pneumocisternotomography] Die intrazisternale Hirngefassdarstellung bei der Pneumo-Cisterno-Tomographie. EDAT- 1968/07/01 00:00 MHDA- 1968/07/01 00:00. Neurochirurgia (Stuttg) 11 (4):132-136, 1968.
12 K. Schürmann and M. Samii. [The importance of pneumocisternotomography in the diagnosis of pituitary adenomas in atypical sites. Dorsosellar pituitary adenoma] Die Bedeutung der Pneumo-Cisterno-Tomographie fur die Diagnostik der Hypophysenadenome mit atypischem Sitz. Dorsosellare Hypophysenadenome. EDAT- 1968/07/01 00:00 MHDA- 1968/07/01 00:00. Neurochirurgia (Stuttg) 11 (4):137-149, 1968.
13 K. Schürmann, M. Brock, and M. Samii. Circumscribed hematoma of the lateral ventricle following rupture of an intraventricular saccular arterial aneurysm. Case report. J.Neurosurg. 29 (2):195-198, 1968.
14 van de Weyer KH, M. Samii, and K. Schürmann. [Combined ventriculo-lumbar air filling in ventriculographic examination of the posterior cranial fossa] Kombinierte ventrikulo-lumbale Luftfullung in der Diagnostik der hinteren Schadelgrube. EDAT- 1968/02/01 00:00 MHDA- 1968/02/01 00:00. Fortschr.Geb.Rontgenstr.Nuklearmed. 108 (2):162-169, 1968.

15 U. Hase, H. J. Reulen, M. Samii, A. Fenske, and K. Schürmann. [Determination of the extracellular space in different regions of the dog brain with sodium-S35-thiosulfate] Die Bestimmung des extracellularen Raumes in verschiedenen Arealen des Hundehirns mit Natrium-S35-Thiosulfat. EDAT- 1969/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1969/01/01 00:00. Pflugers Arch. 307 (2):R114-R115, 1969.
16 van de Weyer KH, M. Samii, and K. Schürmann. [Diagnosis of ventricular and paraventricular tumors with brain stem involvement] Beitrag zur Diagnostik ventrikularer und ventrikelnaher Tumoren mit Hirnstammbeteiligung. EDAT- 1969/08/01 00:00 MHDA- 1969/08/01 00:00. Fortschr.Geb.Rontgenstr.Nuklearmed. 111 (2):196-203, 1969.
17 A. Berger, G. Meissl, and M. Samii. [Experimental results with “sutureless” nerve anastomosis using collagen tubes] Experimentelle Erfahrungen mit Kollagenfolien uber nahtlose Nervenanastomosen. EDAT- 1970/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1970/01/01 00:00. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 23 (2):141-149, 1970.
18 A. A. Hadjidimos, H. J. Reulen, M. Brock, J. P. Deruaz, F. Brost, F. Fischer, M Samii, and K. Schürmann. rCBF, Tissue Water Content and Tissue Lactate in Brain Tumours. In: Brain and Blood Flow, edited by R. W. Ross Russell, London:Pitman Medical and Scientific Publishing, 1970, p. 378-385.
19 H. J. Reulen, M. Samii, K. Fenske, and K. Schürmann. Electrolytes, fluids and energy metabolism in traumatic brain oedema. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry 33 (5):714-715, 1970.
20 H. J. Reulen, M. Samii, A. Fenske, O. Hey, and U. Hase. Energy Metabolism, Fluids, and Electrolyte Distribution in Cold Injury Oedema. In: Head Injuries,Anonymous Madrid:Churchill Livingstone, 1970, p. 232-240.
21 H. J. Reulen, U. Hase, A. Fenske, M. Samii, and K. Schürmann. [Extracellular space and electrolyte distribution in grey and white matter of the dog brain] Extrazellularraum und Ionenverteilung in grauer und weisser Substanz des Hundehirns. EDAT- 1970/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1970/01/01 00:00. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 22 (4):305-325, 1970.
22 M Samii and H. Willebrand. The technique of and indications for autologous interfascicular nerve transplantation. In: 5th International Symposium on Stereoencephalotomy, edited by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirugie, Freiburg: 1970, p. 39.
23 M. Samii and J. Beck. [Position and course of the optic nerves in the roentgenogram of the cisterna] Lage und Verlauf der Schnerven im Cisternenbild. EDAT- 1970/11/01 00:00 MHDA- 1970/11/01 00:00. Radiologe 10 (11):456-459, 1970.
24 M. Samii and J. Beck. Lage und Verlauf der Sehnerven im Zisternenbild. Der Radiologe 11:456-459, 1970.
25 M. Samii, K. Schürmann, W. Scheinpflug, and R. Wallenborn. Experimental studies comparing grafting with autogenous and irradiated freeze dried homologous nerves. Modern aspects of Neurosurgery 3 (287):263-266, 1971.
26 M. R. Samii. [Touraine-Solente-Gole syndrome or pachydermoperiostosis with hypertrophy of the extremities] Syndrome de Touraine-Solente-Gole ou pachydermoperiostose avec hypertrophie des extremites. EDAT- 1971/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1971/01/01 00:00. Bull.Soc.Fr.Dermatol.Syphiligr. 78 (3):262-263, 1971.
27 R. I. Kahl, M. Samii, and H. Willebrand. Clinical results of perineural faszicular neurolysis. Modern aspects of Neurosurgery 4 (306):209-212, 1972.
28 H. Maxion, M. Samii, W. Scheinpflug, and R. Wallenborn. Elektromyographische Verlaufsuntersuchungen nach Nervennaht und Nerventransplantation beim Kaninchen. EEG/EMG 3 (2):89-94, 1972.
29 M. Samii. Interfaszikuläre autologe Nerventransplantation. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 19:1257-1262, 1972.
30 M. Samii. Autologe Nerventransplantationen im Trigeminusbereich. Med.Mitt. 46 (116):189-194, 1972.
31 M. Samii and R. Wallenborn. [Experimental studies on the effect of tension on the results of regeneration following nerve sutures] Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen uber den Einfluss der Spannung auf den Regenerationserfolg nach Nervennaht. EDAT- 1972/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1972/01/01 00:00. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 27 (1):87-110, 1972.
32 M. Samii and R. I. Kahl. Klinische resultate der autologen Nerventransplantation. Med.Mitt. 46 (116):197-202, 1972.
33 M. Samii. Die operative Versorgung peripherer Nervenverletzungen. Therapiewoche 22 (27):1-4, 1972.
34 M. Samii. Sehstörungen bei tiefsitzendem Chiasma opticum. Anonymous. Anonymous. Deutsche Opthalmologische Gesellschaft Heidelberg:Bergmann, München. 37-38, 1972.
35 M. Samii. Visula distrubances caused by a low located optic chiasm. Modern aspects of Neurosurgery 4 (306):48-55, 1972.
36 M. Samii, K. Schürmann, R. Wallenborn, and W. Scheinpflug. Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen über autologe und homologe Nerventransplantationen. Med.Mitt. 46 (116):333-339, 1972.
37 M. Samii. [Operative reconstruction of injured nerves] Die operative Wiederherstellung verletzter Nerven. EDAT- 1972/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1972/01/01 00:00. Langenbecks Arch.Chir 332:355-362, 1972.
38 H. Willebrand, M. Samii, and R. I. Kahl. Wiederherstellung der Sensibilität und Motorik im Handbereich nach Nervenverletzungen. Therapiewoche 22 (46):1-4, 1972.
39 A. Fenske, M. Samii, H. J. Reulen, and O. Hey. Extracellular space and electrolyte distribution in cortex and white matter of dog brain in cold induced oedema. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 28 (1):81-94, 1973.
40 J. E. Hausamen, M. Samii, and R. Schmidseder. Repair of the mandibular nerve by means of autologous nerve grafting after resection of the lower jaw. J.Maxillofac.Surg. 1 (2):74-78, 1973.
41 M. Samii. [Tomography with combined ventriculo-lumbar air filling] Tomographie bei kombinierter ventrikulo-lumbaler Luftfullung. Rontgenblatter. 26 (3):117-122, 1973.
42 J. E. Hausamen, M. Samii, and R. Schmidseder. Restoring sensation to the cut inferior alveolar nerve by direct anastomosis or by free autologous nerve grafting. Experimental study in rabbits. Plast.Reconstr.Surg. 54 (1):83-87, 1974.
43 J. E. Hausamen, M. Samii, and R. Schmidseder. Indication and technique for the reconstruction of nerve defects in head and neck. J.Maxillofac.Surg. 2 (4):159-167, 1974.
44 J. E. Hausamen, M. Samii, and R. Schmidseder. [Animal experiments on the regeneration of the inferior alveolar nerve after injury during osteotomy of the lower jaw and microsurgery] Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Regenerationsfahigkeit des Nervus alveolaris inferior nach traumatischer Schadigung bei Unterkieferosteotomien und mikrochirurgischer Versorgung EDAT- 1974/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1974/01/01 00:00. Fortschr.Kiefer Gesichtschir. 18:93-99, 1974.
45 M. Samii, E. Schindler, and O. Hey. [Interhemispheric subdural haematoma (author’s transl)] Ein subdurales Hamatom des Interhemispharenspalts. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 30 (3-4):319-326, 1974.
46 M. Samii and W. Scheinpflug. [Clinical, electromyographic and quantitative histological investigations following nerve transplants–an experimental study (author’s transl)] Klinische, elektromyographische und quantitativ histologische Untersuchungen nach Nerventransplantation. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 30 (1-2):1-29, 1974.
47 M. Samii. Pneumenzephalo-Tomographie, Mainz:Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1974. 78 pages.
48 M. Samii. Indication and operative technique of birth injuries of the brachial plexus. Progress in Paediatric Neurosurgery:243-245, 1974.
49 M. Samii. [Injuries of the cerebral nerves and of the brachial plexus] Verletzungen der Hirnnerven und des Plexus brachialis EDAT- 1974/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1974/01/01 00:00. Hefte.Unfallheilkd. 0 (117):372-376, 1974.
50 M. Samii. Die Wiederherstellung peripherer Nervenverletzungen mit freien Transplantaten. In: Plastisch-chirurgische Maßnahmen bei Spätfolgen nach Unfällen, edited by F. Hollwich and C. Walter, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1974, p. 174-178.
51 M. Samii. [Vision disorders due to deep-seated optic chiasm] Sehstorungen bei tiefsitzendem Chiasma Opticum EDAT- 1974/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1974/01/01 00:00. Ber.Zusammenkunft.Dtsch.Ophthalmol.Ges. 72:37-38, 1974.
52 M. Sarvestani and M. Samii. [Problem of radial lesions in upper arm diaphyseal fractures] Zum Problem der Radialislasion bei Oberarmschaftbruchen EDAT- 1974/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1974/01/01 00:00. Hefte.Unfallheilkd. 0 (117):381-384, 1974.

53 G. Busch, K. Schürmann, and M Samii. First Experiences With the Anterior Discectomy Without Fusion of the cervical Spine in Cases of Acute Disc Rupture. In: Advances in Neurosurgery, Vol.3, edited by H. Penholz, M. Brock, J. Hamer, M. Klinger, and O. Spoerri,Springer Verlag, 1975, p. 357-363.
54 J. Happ, K. Sinterhauf, W. R. Rickassel, U. Krause, U. Cordes, D. Lommer, M. Samii, K. Schürmann, and J. Beyer. [Pre- and postoperative examination of the functional reserve in partial function of the anterior hypophysis in hypophyseal tumors] Pra- und postoperative Uberprufung der Funktionsreserve der Hypophysenvorderlappen-Partialfunktionen bei Tumoren im Hypophysenbereich EDAT- 1975/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1975/01/01 00:00. Verh.Dtsch.Ges.Inn.Med. 81:1511-1515, 1975.
55 J. E. Hausamen, M. Samii, and R. Schmidseder. Autologe Nerventransplantationen zur Überbrückung von Nervendefekten im Kiefer- und Gesichtsbereich. In: Transplantationen im Mund-,Kiefer- und Gesichtsbereich, edited by K. Schuchardt and H. Scheunemann, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1975, p. 118-123.
56 N. Klug, M. Samii, P. A. Ihm, A. Bumb, and A. Veintimilla. Elektromyographische und elektroneurographische Verlaufsuntersuchungen an langen homologen und autologen Nerventransplantationen des Kaninchenischiadicus. EEG/EMG 6 (3):142-148, 1975.
57 H. Millesi and M. Samii. [Repair of the facial nerve] pp. 111-28
Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Wiederherstellungsoperationen am Nervus facialis pp. 111-28. In: Hohler.H., ed.Plastische.und Wiederherstellungs.-Chirurgie.Stuttgart., Schattauer.,112-128, 1975.
58 M. Samii. Modern Aspects of Peripheral and Cranial Nerve Surgery. In: Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol.2, edited by H. Krayenbühl,Springer Verlag, 1975, p. 33-82.
59 M. Samii, K. Schürmann, and P. Schmitz. Report on One Hundred Pituitary Adenomas. In: Advances in Neurosurgery, Vol.3, edited by H. Penholz, M. Brock, J. Hamer, M. Klinger, and O. Spoerri,Springer Verlag, 1975, p. 433-441.
60 M. Samii. Use of Microtechniques in Peripheral Nerve Surgery – Experience with over 300 Cases. In: Microneurosurgery, edited by Hajime Handa, Tokio:Igaku Shoin LTD., 1975, p. 85-94.
61 M. Samii and D. Wagner. [Results of the autologous nerve grafting by lesions of cranial and peripheral nerves (author’s transl)] Ergebnisse der autologen Nerventransplantationen bei Lasionen kranialer und peripherer Nerven. Ther.Umsch. 32 (7):453-460, 1975.
62 M. Samii. Faziofaziale Anastomose durch Nerventransplantation. In: Transplantationen im Mund-,Kiefer-und Gesichtsbereich, edited by K. Schuchardt and H. Scheunemann, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1975, p. 115-118.
63 E. Schindler and M. Samii. [Pantopaque-myelographic findings in brachial plexus root avulsion (author’s transl)] Pantopaque-myelographische Befunde bei Wurzelausrissen des Plexus brachialis EDAT- 1975/06/01 00:00 MHDA- 1975/06/01 00:00. ROFO Fortschr.Geb.Rontgenstr.Nuklearmed. 122 (6):528-533, 1975.
64 J. E. Hausamen, M. Samii, and R. Schmidseder. [Autologous nerve transplantation for the bridging of nerve defects in the jaw and face] Autologe Nerventransplantation zur Uberbruckung von Nervendefekten im Kiefer- und Gesichtsbereich EDAT- 1976/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1976/01/01 00:00. Fortschr.Kiefer Gesichtschir. 20:118-121, 1976.
65 P. A. Ihm and M. Samii. Quantitative study of muscle fibre atrophy and restitution after nerve grafts. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 34 (1-4):185-193, 1976.
66 G. Meinig, K. Kretschmar, M. Samii, Th. Wallenfang, R. Hülse, and K. Schürmann. Spondylodiscitis – Lumbar Disc Removal. Anonymous. Anonymous. Mainz:Department of Neurosurgery, University of Mainz. N.N.:55-59, 1976.
67 M. Samii. [Faciofacial anastomosis through nerve transplantation] Faziofaziale Anastomose durch Nerventransplantation EDAT- 1976/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1976/01/01 00:00. Fortschr.Kiefer Gesichtschir. 20:115-118, 1976.
68 M. Samii. Schädelhirntrauma bei Alkoholvergiftung. In: Anästhesiologie und Wiederbelebung, Band 97, edited by R. Frey,Springer Verlag, 1976, p. 32-42.
69 M. Samii. Aspects modernes de la chirugie des nerfs peripheriques, Toulouse:Edition médicales Pierre Fabre, 1976. 94 pages.
70 M. Samii. [Intraneural neurolysis of the median nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome] Intraneurale Neurolyse des Nervus medianus beim Karpaltunnel-Syndrom. Handchirurgie. 8 (2):117-119, 1976.
71 M. Samii. Technik und Ergebnisse von Nervennähten und Nerventransplantationen an den Nervenstämmen der oberen Extremitäten. in: Unfallmedizinische Tagung der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften. Anonymous. Anonymous. Bonn:Hauptverband der gewerbl.Berufsgenossenschaften e.V. Heft 29:159-175, 1976.
72 W. Draf and M. Samii. [Otorhinolaryngological-neurosurgical problems on the skull base (author’s transl)] Otorhinolaryngologisch-neurochirurgische Probleme an der Schadelbasis. Laryngol.Rhinol.Otol.(Stuttg) 56 (12):1007-1020, 1977.
73 M. Samii and G. Faupel. [Chondrosarcoma with intraspinal, intra- and extrathoracal extension (author’s transl)] Chondrosarkom mit intraspinaler, intra- und extrathorakaler Ausdehnung. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 39 (1-2):71-80, 1977.
74 H. Baumann, M. Samii, and K. von Wild. Contribution to Ventral Microsurgical foraminotomy in Case of cervical Nerve Root Compression. In: Advances in Neurosurgery 8, edited by W. Grote, M. Brock, H. E. Clar, M. Klinger, and H. E. Nau,Springer Verlag, 1978, p. 287-290.
75 M. Samii. Transoraler Zugang zum Dens Epistrophei. Anonymous. Anonymous. 1978.
76 M. Samii and K. Schürmann. Operative treatment in relation to location and extension of Pituitary Adenomas: Results. In: Treatment of Pituitary Adenomas, edited by R. Fahlbusch and K. von Werder, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1978, p. 310-316.
77 M. Samii and W. Draf. Neurosurgical-ENT treatment of Lesions of the Base of the Skull. Anonymous. Anonymous. 324-330, 1978.
78 M. Samii and W. Draf. [Indication and treatment of frontobasal rhinoliquorrhoea from the ent-surgical and neurosurgical point of view (author’s transl)] Indikation und Versorgung der frontobasalen Liquorfistel aus HNO-chirurgischer und neurochirurgischer Sicht. Laryngol.Rhinol.Otol.(Stuttg) 57 (8):689-697, 1978.
79 N. Klug and M. Samii. Herniation of an intervertebral disc with cauda compression syndrome in childhood. J.Neurol. 221 (3):209-211, 1979.
80 M. Samii. Neurochirurgische Gesichtspunkte der Behandlung der Akustikusneurinome mit besonderer berücksichtigung des Nervus facialis. Laryngol.Rhinol.Otol.(Stuttg) 58:97-106, 1979.
81 M. Samii, K. von Wild, H. Baumann, K. D. Lerch, J. R. Moringlane, and A. Sepehrnia. CT, EEG, and ICP recordings during intensive care of acute head injuries. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 28 (1):85, 1979.
82 M. Samii. [Management of open nerve injuries (technical aspects, prognosis, results)] Die Versorgung offener Nervenverletzungen (technisches Vorgehen, Prognose, Ergebnisse). EDAT- 1979/01/01 00:00 MHDA- 1979/01/01 00:00. Hefte.Unfallheilkd. 138:68-72, 1979.
83 M. Samii. [Neurosurgical aspects of the treatment of acoustic neurinoma with special consideration of the facial nerve (author’s transl)] Neurochirurgische Gesichtspunkte der Behandlung der Akustikusneurinome mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des N. facialis. Laryngol.Rhinol.Otol.(Stuttg) 58 (2):97-106, 1979.
84 W. Draf and M. Samii. [Intracranial-intratemporal anastomosis of the facial nerve (author’s transl)] Die intrakranielle-intratemporale anastomose des Nervus facialis. Laryngol.Rhinol.Otol.(Stuttg) 59 (5):282-287, 1980.
85 K. Maurer, A. Fenske, and M. Samii. Carpal tunnel syndrome combined with trigger finger in early childhood [letter]. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry 43 (12):1148, 1980.
86 J. R. Moringlane, K. von Wild, and M. Samii. Clinical value of percutaneous needle trephination (PNT). Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 54 (3-4):181-189, 1980.
87 M. Samii. Nerves of the head and neck. In: Management of peripheral nerve problems, edited by G. E. Omer and M. Spinner, Philadelphia:W.B.Saunders Co., 1980,
88 M. Samii. Fascicular peripheral nerve repair. Neurosurgery 17:1-22, 1980.
89 M. Samii. Nerves od the Head and Neck. In: Peripheral Nerve problems, edited by Omer and Spinner, 1980, p. 507-545.
90 M. Samii. Neurochirurgische Schmerzbekämpfung. Schmerz 1 (1):44-51, 1980.
91 W. Draf and M. Samii. Diagnostik und operative Strategie bei großen Glomustumoren der lateralen Schädelbasis. in: Aktuelles in der Otorhinolaryngologie. E. H. Majer and C. Rieder. Anonymous. 61-69, 1981.
92 W. Draf and M. Samii. Surgical Managemant of the Caudal Cranial Nerves. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 607-614.
93 J. R. Moringlane and M. Samii. [Contribution to the surgical treatment of haematoma and hygroma in adults (author’s transl)] Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung des chronischen subduralen Hamatoms und Hygroms des Erwachsenen. Neurochirurgia (Stuttg) 24 (5):158-162, 1981.
94 M. Samii. Intracranial Compression of the Third, Fourth and Sixth Cranial Nerves by Tumors. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 241-248.
95 M. Samii. Reconstruction of the Trigeminal Nerve. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 351-358.
96 M. Samii. Operative Treatment of Acessory Nerve Lesions. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 635-641.
97 M. Samii. Preservation and Reconstruction of the Facial Nerve in the Cerebellopontine Angle. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 438-450.
98 M. Samii. Surgical treatment of Hemifacial Spasm. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 501-505.
99 M. Samii. Olfactory Nerve. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 69-74.
100 M. Samii and P. J. Janetta. The Cranial Nerves, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981. 381 pages.
101 M. Samii. Wiederbelebung des Gehirns aus Sicht des Neurochirugen. Anonymous. Anonymous. Congress Presentation:1-5, 1981.
102 M. Samii. Optic Nerve Compression by other Intracranial Etiology. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 158-168.
103 M. Samii. Centrocentral anastomosis of peripheral nerves – a neurosurgical treatment of amputation neuromas. Anonymous. Anonymous. 1-8, 1981.
104 M. Samii and A. Ohlemutz. Preservation of Eight Cranial Nerve in Cerebello-Pontine Angle tumors. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 586-591.
105 M. Samii and A. Ohlemutz. Early Experiences in Vascular Decompression for Vestibulo-Cochlear Malfunction. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 554-558.
106 M. Samii. Facio-Facial Anastomosis. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 515-521.
107 M. Samii. [The indications, technique and results of facio-facial anastomosis (author’s transl)] Zur Indikation, Technik und zu den Ergebnissen der fazio-fazialen Anastomose. Neurochirurgia (Stuttg) 24 (3):90-93, 1981.
108 M. Samii and K. von Wild. Operative treatment of lesions in the region of the tentorial notch. Neurosurg.Rev. 4 (1):3-10, 1981.
109 I. Sogard, M. Samii, and J. M. Schröder. Distribution of Nerve Fibres in the Extratemporal Branches of the Facial Nerve. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 403-405.
110 K. von Wild, M. Samii, K. Hoffmann, and L. Osterwald. Follow up of Visual Defects after Optic Nerve Decompression. In: The Cranial Nerves, edited by M. Samii and P. J. Janetta, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1981, p. 179-191.
111 W. Draf and M. Samii. Intracranial-intratemporal anastomosis of the facial nerve after cerebellopontine angle surgery. In: Disorders of the facial nerve, edited by M. D. Graham and W. F. House, New York:Raven Press, 1982, p. 441-449.
112 E. Lehnhardt and M. Samii. [Neuro-otologic diagnosis of tumors of the posterior cranial fossa–delayed auditory evoked potentials also on the opposite side] Neurootologische Diagnostik bei Tumoren der hinteren Schadelgrube–verzogerte akustisch evozierte Potentiale auch auf der Gegenseite. Laryngol.Rhinol.Otol.(Stuttg) 61 (9):501-504, 1982.
113 J. R. Moringlane, M. Samii, and K. D. Lerch. Postoperative CT-Follow-Up of Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Advances in Neurosurgery 10:95-100, 1982.
114 G. Penkert, J. R. Moringlane, and M. Samii. Beidseitg kombiniertes Karpaltunnel- und Loge de Guyon-Syndrom. Aktuelle Neurologie 9:205-207, 1982.
115 M. Samii. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der primären Nervenrekonstruktion nach Tumorresektion in verschiedenen Körperregionen. In: Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie bei bösartigen Tumoren, edited by H. Scheunemann and R. Schmidseder, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1982, p. 28-38.
116 M. Samii. Revision und operative Behandlung bei Verletzungen am Plexus brachialis. in: Unfallmedizinische Tagung der Berufsgenossenschaft. Anonymous. Anonymous. Bonn:Hauptverband der gewerbl.Berufsgenossenschaft. 155-176, 1982.
117 M. Samii. Kritische Bemerkungen zur homologen Nerventransplantation. in: Plastische- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie bei bösartigen Tumoren. H. Scheunemann and R. Schmidseder. Anonymous. Berlin:Springer Verlag. 52-52, 1982.
118 M. Samii. Funktionswandel und Funktionsverlust der oberen Extremitäten durch isolierte Lähmungen. Z.Orthop. 120:424-428, 1982.
119 M. Samii and F. Crotti. Lesioni del sistema nervooperiferica. In: Osteointesi in Urgenza, edited by E. Bosse and C. Ronzani, Milano:Masson Italia, 1982, p. 195-206.
120 K. von Wild, L. Glusa, A. Sepehrnia, and M. Samii. Effects of 6-Methylprednisolone on the Brain Function in Patients with Solitary Circumscribed Supratentorial Tumors. Advances in Neurosurgery 10:357-367, 1982.
121 W. Draf and M. Samii. Fronto-Basal Injuries – Principles in Diagnosis and Treatment. In: Traumatology of the Skull Base, edited by M. Samii and J. Brihaye, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1983, p. 61-69.
122 R. Ramina and M. Samii. The Management of large Pituitary Adenomas. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Congress of Neurosurgery, edited by J. Brihaye and R. Vigouroux, Belgium: 1983,
123 R. Ramina, M. Samii, and H. Baumann. Anatomical correlation between the structures of the cavernous sinus and the approach to the medial sphenoid ridge tumors. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Congress of Neurosurgery, edited by J. Brihaye and R. Vigouroux, Belgium: 1983,
124 M. Samii. Intra-Cranial Reconstruction of Facial Nerve after Lateral Basal Fracture. In: Traumatology of the Skull Base, edited by M. Samii and J. Brihaye, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1983, p. 164-170.
125 M. Samii. Pathogenese und operative Behandlung des Spasmus facialis. Aktuelle Neurologie 10:11-17, 1983.
126 M. Samii and J. Brihaye. Traumatology of the Skull Base, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1983. 350 pages.
127 J. R. Moringlane and M. Samii. Thermocoagulation of the substantia gelatinosa for the treatment of pain. Neurol.Res. 6 (1-2):79-80, 1984.
128 R. Ramina, M. Samii, H. Baumann, and Warnke P.C. The surgical anatomy of the cavernous sinus. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 72 (1-2):128, 1984.
129 M. Samii. Facial nerve grafting in acoustic neurinoma. Clin.Plast.Surg. 11 (1):221-225, 1984.
130 M. Samii and J. R. Moringlane. Thermocoagulation of the dorsal root entry zone for the treatment of intractable pain. Neurosurgery 15 (6):953-955, 1984.
131 M. Samii and G. Penkert. [100 microsurgical tumor excisions in the cerebellopontile angle with special reference to the preservation of hearing function] 100 mikrochirurgische Tumorentfernungen im Kleinhirnbruckenwinkel unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Horfunktionserhaltung. Zentralbl.Neurochir. 45 (2):97-115, 1984.
132 M. Samii and G. Penkert. Gesichtsnerven- und Hörfunktionserhaltung bei 130 mikrochirurgischen Akustikusneurinom-Operationen. Aktuelle Neurologie 11:39-43, 1984.
133 M. Samii and G. Penkert. [Results of 110 microsurgical acoustic neuroma operations] Ergebnisse von 110 mikrochirurgischen Akustikusneurinom-Operationen. Eur.Arch.Psychiatry Neurol.Sci. 234 (1):42-47, 1984.
134 P. C. Warnke, R. Lorenz, R. Ramina, and M. Samii. Acoustic and somatosensory evoked potentials in the clinical course of brain stem contusions. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 72 (1-2):137, 1984.
135 P. C. Warnke, R. Lorenz, M. Samii, and R. Ramina. Evoked brain stem potentials for therapy control during operations of the tentorium border. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 72 (1-2):128, 1984.
136 G. Penkert, M. Samii, T. Haid, and G. Rettinger. [Angiomatous malformation of the inner auditory canal with the leading symptoms of vertigo and tinnitus] Angiomatose Fehlbildung des inneren Gehorgangs mit den Leitsymptomen Schwindel und Ohrensausen. HNO 33 (1):17-22, 1985.
137 M. Samii and K. E. Turel. Possibility of the excision of aneurysms in the vertebrobasilar system followed by end-to-end anastomosis for the maintenance of circulation. Neurol.Res. 7 (1):39-45, 1985.
138 M. Samii, K. E. Turel, and G. Penkert. Management of seventh and eighth nerve involvement by cerebellopontine angle tumors. Clin.Neurosurg. 32:242-272, 1985.
139 M. Samii. Die moderne neurochirurgische Behandlung der Trigeminusneuralgie. In: Schmerzdiagnostik und Therapie, edited by G. Sehhati-Chafai, Bremen:Dr.Dieter Winkler Verlag, 1985, p. 137-141.
140 M. Samii. Aneurysm surgery. In: Timing of Aneurysm Surgery, edited by L. M. Auer, Berlin:Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1985, p. 561-566.
141 M. Samii. Reconstruction of Cranial Nerves. In: Microneurosurgery, edited by R. W. Rand,Mosby, 1985, p. 657-665.
142 M. Samii and G. Penkert. Mikrochirurgie des Nervus facialis aus der Sicht des Neurochirurgen. In: Die Ästhetik von Form und Funktion in der Plastischen- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, edited by G. Pfeifer, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1985, p. 384-392.
143 M. Samii and R. Ramina. Intraventrikuläre Blutung bei tiefsitzenden arteriovenösen Mißbildungen. In: Der zerebrale Notfall, edited by K. Schürmann, München:Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1985, p. 194-201.
144 M. Samii. Neurochirurgie und Ästhetik. In: Die Ästhetik von Form und Funktion in der Plastischen- und Wiederherstellungschirugie, edited by G. Pfeifer, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1985, p. 69-70.
145 M. Samii, R. Ramina, G. Koch, and E. Reusche. Malignant teratoma of the optic nerve: case report. Neurosurgery 16 (5):696-700, 1985.
146 M. Samii. Microsurgery of acoustic neurinomas with special emphasis on preservation of seventh and eighth cranial nerves and the scope of dacial nerve grafting. In: Microneurosurgery, edited by R. W. Rand,Mosby, 1985, p. 366-388.
147 Warnke P.C., R. Lorenz, M. Samii, and R. Ramina. Evoked Potentials for Therapy Control During Operations at the Tentorial Margin. Advances in Neurosurgery 13:212-213, 1985.
148 W. Draf and M. Samii. Malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses. In: Tumors of the skull base, edited by H. Scheunemann, K. Schürmann, and J. Helms, Berlin:Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1986, p. 63-69.
149 P. Gürtner, E. Kohmura, R. Ramina, R. Lorenz, and M. Samii. The perioperative monitoring of Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEP). In: Surgery in and around the Brain Stem and the Third Ventricle, edited by M. Samii, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1986, p. 175-180.
150 E. Kohmura, P. Gurtner, K. Holl, N. Nemati, G. Stoppe, K. D. Lerch, and M. Samii. [Experience with the inhalation of a 33% xenon-(stable-)oxygen mixture in relation to a new method of measuring local cerebral circulation] Erfahrungen mit der Inhalation eines 33%igen Xenon-(stable-)Sauerstoffgemisches im Zusammenhang mit einer neuen Methode zur lokalen Hirndurchblutungsmessung. ROFO Fortschr.Geb.Rontgenstr.Nuklearmed. 144 (5):531-536, 1986.
151 K. D. Lerch, N. Nemati, E. Kohmura, K. Holl, and M. Samii. Local cerebral blood flow measurementsin the deep seated brain structures. In: Surgery in and around the Brain Stem and the Third Ventricle, edited by M. Samii, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1986, p. 200-206.
152 N. Nemati, K. Holl, P. Gürtner, E. Kohmura, K. D. Lerch, M. Teherani, and M. Samii. Preliminary report on xenon enhanced computer tomography. Neuroradiology:189-198, 1986.
153 R. Ramina and M. Samii. Extensive intraventricular bleedingdue to rupture of intracranial aneurysms and deep seated AVM´s – Management. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.), 1986.
154 M. Samii. Neurosurgical aspects of processes at the tentorial margin. In: Surgery in and around the Brain Stem and the third Ventricle, edited by M. Samii, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1986, p. 417-445.
155 M. Samii and G. Penkert. Chirurgie bei peripheren Nervenverletzungen. In: Lehrbuch der Chirurgie,Anonymous München:Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1986, p. 819-823.
156 M. Samii. Thermokoagulation der hinteren Wurzeleintrittszone bei sonst unbeinflußbaren Schmerzzuständen. In: Jahrbuch der Neurochirurgie 1986, edited by W. Walter and W. Krenkel, Münster:Regensberg & Biermann, 1986, p. 47-51.
157 M. Samii. Technical aspects of excision of giant basal tumors with third ventricle involvement. In: Surgery of the Third Ventricle, edited by M. L. J. Apuzzo, Baltimore:Williams & Wilkins, 1986,
158 M. Samii. Allgemeine Hinweise zur chirurgischen Therspie und Technik. In: Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik, edited by H. Ch. Hopf, K. Poeck, and H. Schliack, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1986, p. 28-34.
159 M. Samii. Esthesioneuroblastoma. In: Tumors of the skull base, edited by H. Scheunemann, K. Schürmann, and J. Helms, Berlin:Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1986, p. 53-57.
160 M. Samii. Surgery of facial nerve paralysis. No Shinkei Geka 14 (8):943-955, 1986.
161 M. Samii. Surgery in and around the Brain Stem and the Third Ventricle, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1986. 510 pages.
162 M. Samii and R. Ramina. Surgical management of deep seated angiomas. In: Surgery in and around the Brain Stem and the Third Ventricle, edited by M. Samii, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1986, p. 240-247.
163 M. Samii and W. Draf. The diagnosis and operative strategy of large glomus tumors. In: Tumors of the skull base, edited by H. Scheunemann, K. Schürmann, and J. Helms, Berlin:Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1986, p. 237-244.
164 L. N. Sekhar and M. Samii. Petroclival and medial tentorial meningiomas. In: Tumors of the skull base, edited by H. Scheunemann, K. Schürmann, and J. Helms, Berlin:Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1986, p. 141-158.
165 K. Holl, M. Samii, M. R. Gaab, E. Kohmura, and N. Nemati. EEG changes during five minutes of inhalation of a 33% xenon-O2 mixture. Neurosurg.Rev. 10 (4):309-310, 1987.
166 K. Holl, N. Nemati, E. Kohmura, M. R. Gaab, and M. Samii. Stable-xenon-CT: effects of xenon inhalation on EEG and cardio-respiratory parameters in the human. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 87 (3-4):129-133, 1987.
167 G. Penkert and M. Samii. Revascularisation of free autologous nerve grafts. In: Peripheral Nerve Lesions, edited by M. Samii, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1987, p. 143-148.
168 G. Penkert and M. Samii. Periphere Nervenchirurgie. In: Chirurgie, edited by R. Berchtold, H. Hamelmann, and H. J. Peiper, München:Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1987, p. 733-738.
169 M. Samii. Operative Behandlung aus neurochirurgischer Sicht. In: Bildgebende Untersuchungsverfahren in der Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, edited by N. Schwenzer and G. Pfeifer, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1987, p. 233-237.
170 M. Samii. Peripheral Nerve Lesions, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1987. 250 pages.
171 M. Samii, E. Kohmura, K. Holl, and N. Nemati. Follow up Xenon Enhanced CT-CBF Measurements in patients treated with STA-MCA Bypass. In: Advances in Surgery for Cerebral Stroke, edited by J. Suzuki, Tokyo:Springer Verlag, 1987, p. 177-181.
172 M. Samii and G. Penkert. Verletzungen der peripheren Nerven. In: Lehrbuch der Chirurgie, edited by L. Koslowski, K. A. Bushe, Th. Junginger, and K. Schwemmle, Stuttgart:Schattauer, 1987, p. 439-446.
173 M. Samii and W. Bini. Das primäre intramedulläre Melanom: Fallbericht. In: Entwicklung und heutiger Stand der Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, edited by A. Pannike and H. Rudolph, Rotenburg:Verlag Karl Sasse KG, 1987, p. 430-433.
174 M. Tatagiba, A. Kleider, W. Bini, A. Sepehrnia, J. Brennecke, G. Penkert, and M. Samii. Peripheral Nerve Involvement in von Recklinghausen´s Disease. In: Peripheral Nerve Lesions, edited by M. Samii, 1987,
175 M. el Azm, M. Samii, W. Bini, and L. Stanley. Computed Tomographic Studies in Acoustic Neuromas in relation to the Vestibular Organ and Hearing Function. In: Neurinomes de L´Acoustique, edited by B. Fraysse and Y. Lazorthes, Toulouse:Editions Médicales Pierre Fabre, 1988, p. 81-89.
176 N. Nemati, M. Samii, E. Kohmura, and K. Holl. Improvement of global cerebral blood flow after STA-MCA bypass in a patient with bilateral occlusion of the internal carotid artery: effect of surgery or natural course? Neurosurg.Rev. 11 (2):207-209, 1988.
177 G. Penkert, W. Bini, and M. Samii. Revascularization of nerve grafts: an experimental study. J.Reconstr.Microsurg. 4 (4):319-325, 1988.
178 G. Penkert and M. Samii. Zur Frage der Revaskularisierung eines freien Nerventransplantates: Eine experimentelle Studie. Hefte.Unfallheilkd. 200:65-66, 1988.
179 M. Samii and W. Bini. Management of Deep-Seated Cerebral AVMs. Report on 28 cases. In: Advances in Surgery for cerebral Stroke, edited by J. Suzuki, Tokyo:Springer Verlag, 1988, p. 461-465.
180 M. Samii and M. Ammirati. The combined supra-infratentorial pre-sigmoid sinus avenue to the petro-clival region. Surgical technique and clinical applications. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 95 (1-2):6-12, 1988.
181 M. Samii and M. Ammirati. Neurosurgical Management of fronto-basal trauma. Rhinology, 1988.
182 M. Samii, G. Penkert, and W. Bini. Komplikationen bei Eingriffen im Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel. In: Komplikationen bei neurochirurgischen Eingriffen, edited by W. J. Bock and M. Schirmer, München:W.Zuckerschwerdt Verlag, 1988, p. 49-57.
183 M. Samii and D. Völkening. Behandlung der HWS-Traumen aus Neurochirurgischer Sicht. In: Bericht über die Unfallmedizinische Tagung in Mainz, edited by L. Gotzen, Mainz:Hauptverband der gwerbl. Berufsgenossenschaften e.V., 1988, p. 123-135.
184 M. Samii. Tratamiento Quirurgico de las Lesiones de los Nervios craneanos. Rev.Neurol.Arg. 14 (4):266-267, 1988.
185 E. C. Tong, M. Samii, and F. Tchang. Bone imaging as an aid for the diagnosis of osteopoikilosis. Clin.Nucl.Med. 13 (11):816-819, 1988.
186 K. E. Turel, M. Samii, and R. Ramina. Sub- and Retrochiasmatic Approach for Microsurgical Removal of Large Suprasellar tumors. In: Surgery of the Sellar region and Paranasal Sinus, edited by M. Samii, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1988,
187 M. Ammirati, S. Mirzai, and M. Samii. Traumatic Vertebral Arteriovenous fistulae. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 99:122-126, 1989.
188 M. Ammirati, S. Mirzai, and M. Samii. Transient mutism following removal of a cerebellar tumor. A case report and review of the literature. Childs Nerv.Syst. 5 (1):12-14, 1989.
189 M. Ammirati, S. Mirzai, and M. Samii. Vertebral arteriovenous fistulae. Report of two cases and review of the literature. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 99 (3-4):122-126, 1989.
190 W. Draf and M. Samii. [Surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses with involvement of the base of the skull] Chirurgische Behandlung von bosartigen Tumoren der Nasennebenhohlen mit Schadelbasisbeteiligung. Strahlenther.Onkol. 165 (6):474-477, 1989.
191 M. el Azm, J. Klekamp, D. Völkening, and M. Samii. Die Anwendung von Palacos bei der Rekonstruktion des knöchernen Schädels. Hefte zur Unfallchirurgie,Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 27:49-57, 1989.
192 H. Khalil, M. Samii, G. Penkert, and E. Kohmura. Ergebnisse der Nerventransplantation an der oberen Extremität. Anonymous. Anonymous. 257-289, 1989.
193 A. Mahran, M. Samii, and H. Ostertag. Haemangiome des inneren gehörganges. Archiv ORL 2 (142):153-155, 1989.
194 C. Matthies and M. Samii. Therapiekonzept der Facialisparese mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nervenrekonstruktion. Hefte zur Unfallchirurgie,Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 27 (242):247, 1989.
195 B. Rischke, K. Westermann, M. Samii, and A. Sepehrnia. Die totale dorsale Spondylektomie als Therapie der Wahl bei destruierender Spondylose – ein Fallbericht. Hefte zur Unfallchirurgie,Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 27:337-338, 1989.
196 B. Rischke, K. Westermann, M. Samii, and G. Penkert. Stabilisierende Maßnahmen nach Traumen der BWS/LWS durch interne dorsale Fusion. Hefte zur Unfallchirurgie,Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 27:96-98, 1989.
197 B. Rischke, M. Samii, and H. Ostertag. Die biologische Organisation von resorbierbarem Bandscheibenersatz im Tierexperiment. Hefte zur Unfallchirurgie,Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 27:306-309, 1989.
198 M. Samii, M. Ammirati, A. Mahran, W. Bini, and A. Sepehrnia. Surgery of petroclival meningiomas: report of 24 cases. Neurosurgery 24 (1):12-17, 1989.
199 M. Samii, A. Sephernia, A. Mahran, and W. Bini. Surgery of the Jugular Foramen. Advances in Neurosurgery 17:140-152, 1989.
200 M. Samii. Neurosurgical aspects of craniofacial neoplasia. In: Neurological Surgery, edited by J. R. Youmans, Philadelphia:Saunders, 1989, p. 3639-3653.
201 M. Samii, D. Völkening, G. Penkert, M. el Azm, B. Rischke, and K. Westermann. Rekonstruktive Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Form und Funktion der Halswirbelsäule. Hefte zur Unfallchirurgie,Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 27:90-95, 1989.
202 M. Samii, D. Volkening, A. Sepehrnia, G. Penkert, and H. Baumann. Surgical treatment of myeloradiculopathy in cervical spondylosis. A report on 438 operations. Neurosurg.Rev. 12 (4):285-290, 1989.
203 M. R. Samii and W. Draf. Surgery of the Skull Base, Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 1989. 450 pages.
204 M. Tatagiba, C. Matthies, and M. Samii. Nervenrekonstruktionen bei Neurofibromatose. Hefte zur Unfallchirurgie,Plastischen und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 27:253-257, 1989.
205 M. Tatagiba, A. Sepehrnia, M. el Azm, and M. Samii. Chronic epidural hematoma–report on eight cases and review of the literature. Surg.Neurol. 32 (6):453-458, 1989.
206 W. J. R. van Ouwerkerk, M. Samii, and M. Ammirati. Essential Hypertension in Patients with Hemifacial Spasm or Trigeminal Neuralgia. Advances in Neurosurgery 17:188-193, 1989.
207 M. Ammirati, S. Mirzai, and M. Samii. Primary intraosseous meningiomas of the skull base. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 107 (1-2):56-60, 1990.
208 M. Ammirati, M. Samii, and A. Sephernia. Surgery of large retrochiasmatic craniopharyngiomas in children. Childs Nerv.Syst. 6 (1):13-17, 1990.

209 W. Bini, M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, P. Lasjaunias, A. Sepehrnia, and R. H. Prawitz. Neuroradiological-Neurosurgical treatment of vadcularized tumors of the jugular foramen. In: Digitale Bildgebung; Interventionelle Radiologie; Integrierte digitale Radiologie, edited by G. H. Schneider, E. Vogler, and K. Kocever,Balckwell Überreuther Wissenschaftsverlag, 1990,
210 W. Bini, R. H. Prawitz, and M. Samii. Non-invasive evaluation of cerebral vessels in skull base surgery using MRI-angio. in: 5th Congress, International Skull Base Study Group 1990. Anonymous. Anonymous. Siena, Italy: 1990.
211 M. Samii. Special Considerations regarding the Treatment of Brachial Plexus Lesions. In: Peipheral Nerve Lesions, edited by M. Samii, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1990, p. 372-385.
212 A. Sepehrnia, M. Tatagiba, A. Brandis, M. Samii, and R. H. Prawitz. Cavernous angioma of the cavernous sinus: case report. Neurosurgery 27 (1):151-154, 1990.
213 M. Tatagiba, G. Penkert, and M. Samii. [Compression syndrome of the motor branch of the ulnar nerve. Case report and review of the literature] Kompressionssyndrom des motorischen Endastes des Nervus ulnaris. Kasuistik und Literaturubersicht. EDAT- 1990/11/01 00:00 MHDA- 1990/11/01 00:00. Chirurg 61 (11):849-852, 1990.
214 M. Tatagiba, M. Samii, F. Schmidt, and A. Brandis. Linfomas Intracranianos Primários. Arq.Bras.Neurocirurg 9:111-122, 1990.
215 W. Bini, R. H. Prawitz, R. Díaz, and M. Samii. Experiencia inicial con la MRI-angio en el estudio de lesiones de la base cráneo. Neurocirugía 2:5-7, 1991.
216 M. Faraji, B. Hermans, and M. Samii. Hemifacial spasm: A report of 100 cases treated by microvascular decompression. Medical J.of the Isl.Rep.of Iran 5 (1.2):15-18, 1991.
217 M. Samii and W. Bini. Surgical treatment of craniopharyngiomas. Zentralbl.Neurochir. 52 (1):17-23, 1991.
218 M. Samii, C. Matthies, and M. Tatagiba. Intracanalicular acoustic neurinomas. Neurosurgery 29 (2):189-198, 1991.
219 A. Sepehrnia, M. Samii, and M. Tatagiba. Management of intracavernous tumours: an 11-year experience. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 53:122-126, 1991.
220 M. Tatagiba, S. Mirzai, and M. Samii. Peritumoral blood flow in intracranial meningiomas. Neurosurgery 28 (3):400-404, 1991.
221 M. Tatagiba, R. Schonmayr, and M. Samii. Intraventricular cavernous angioma. A survey. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 110 (3-4):140-145, 1991.
222 H. H. von Gosseln, M. Samii, D. Suhr, and W. Bini. The lounging position for posterior fossa surgery: anesthesiological considerations regarding air embolism. Childs Nerv.Syst. 7 (7):368-374, 1991.
223 P. M. Zink and M. Samii. [Diagnosis and surgical treatment of craniocerebral trauma within the scope of polytrauma management] Die Diagnostik und operative Behandlung des Schadel-Hirn-Traumas im Rahmen der Polytraumaversorgung. Unfallchirurg 94 (3):122-128, 1991.
224 S. Mirzai, M. Tatagiba, and M. Samii. Posterior fossa blood flow in cerebellopontine angle tumors. In: Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement by stable Xenon-enhanced CT, edited by H. Yonas, 1992,
225 M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, and C. Matthies. Acoustic neurinoma in the elderly: factors predictive of postoperative outcome. Neurosurgery 31 (4):615-619, 1992.
226 M. Samii. Skull Base Surgery, Freiburg:Karger, 1992. 1276 pages.
227 M. Samii. Die Verletzung des Plexus brachialis – aktuelle Rekonstruktionsmöglichkeiten. Hefte.Unfallheilkd. (218):-149, 1992.
228 M. Samii and M. Tatagiba. Experience with 36 surgical cases of petroclival meningiomas. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 118 (1-2):27-32, 1992.
229 M. Tatagiba, D. K. Boker, A. Brandis, M. Samii, H. Ostertag, and R. Babu. Meningeal melanocytoma of the C8 nerve root: case report. Neurosurgery 31 (5):958-961, 1992.
230 M. Tatagiba, M. Samii, C. Matthies, M. el Azm, and R. Schonmayr. The significance for postoperative hearing of preserving the labyrinth in acoustic neurinoma surgery. J.Neurosurg. 77 (5):677-684, 1992.
231 P. M. Zink, M. Tatagiba, M. Samii, A. Brandis, and E. Dankoweit-Timpe. [Turcot syndrome illustrated by two clinical cases] Die Problematik des Turcot-Syndroms, aufgezeigt an zwei klinischen Fallbeispielen. Nervenarzt 63 (8):506-509, 1992.
232 P. H. Aguiar, M. Tatagiba, M. Samii, and H. Ostertag. Métodos de estudo do potencial proliferativo das neoplasias primárias do sistema nervoso central. Arq.Bras.Neurocirurg 12 (3):207-222, 1993.
233 M. Ammirati, M. Samii, G. Skaf, and A. Sephernia. Solitary brain metastasis 13 years after removal of renal adenocarcinoma. J.Neurooncol. 15 (1):87-90, 1993.
234 H. W. Bothe, S. W. Lee, and M. Samii. Somatosensory evoked potentials and intracranial pressure during chronic dilatation of an artificial extraparenchymal space-occupying lesion in cats. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 122 (1-2):105-112, 1993.
235 A. Brandis, S. Mirzai, M. Tatagiba, G. F. Walter, M. Samii, and H. Ostertag. Immunohistochemical detection of female sex hormone receptors in meningiomas: correlation with clinical and histological features. Neurosurgery 33 (2):212-217, 1993.
236 J. Klekamp, M. Samii, A. Sepehrnia, M. Tatagiba, K. Böker, H. W. Bothe, and E. Sjats. The problem of arachnoid adhesions and scarring after operation for intradural lesions and syringomyelia. In: 100 Years os Syrinx – Surgery, edited by E. Donauer, 1993, p. 221.
237 J. Klekamp and M. Samii. Introduction of a score system for the clinical evaluation of patients with spinal processes. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 123 (3-4):221-223, 1993.
238 V. F. Mautner, M. Tatagiba, R. Guthoff, M. Samii, and S. M. Pulst. Neurofibromatosis 2 in the pediatric age group. Neurosurgery 33 (1):92-96, 1993.
239 S. Mirzai, A. Sepehrnia, G. Penkert, M. el Azm, and M. Samii. Radial nerve lesions associated with fractures of the humerus or radius: Results of surgical treatment. Advances in Neurosurgery 21:215-219, 1993.
240 S. Mirzai, A. Sepehrnia, M. el Azm, G. Penkert, and M Samii. Results of Surgical Treatment of Meralgia Paresthetica. Advances in Neurosurgery 21:268-272, 1993.
241 G. Nikkhah, R. Schonmayr, D. Volkening, and M. Samii. Chronic compression of the cervical myelon as complication of anterior interbody fusion (AIF): neurological improvement after late anterior decompression. Case report. Neurosurg.Rev. 16 (1):61-66, 1993.
242 M. Samii and M. Tatagiba. Surgical Strategy for Jugular Foramen Tumors. In: Surgery of Cranial Base, edited by L. N. Sekhar and I. P. Janecka, New York:Raven Press Ltd., 1993, p. 379-387.
243 M. Samii. Indikation zur Operation. In: Neurologie in Klinik und Praxis, edited by H. Ch. Hopf, K. Poeck, and H. Schliack, Stuttagrt:Thieme Verlag, 1993, p. 68-69.
244 M. Samii. Chirurgische Therapie. In: Neurologie in Klinik und Praxis, edited by H. Ch. Hopf, K. Poeck, and H. Schliack, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1993, p. 27-34.
245 A. Sepehrnia, W. Bini, and M. Samii. Lesions of the Accessory Nerve in Its Extracranial Course. Advances in Neurosurgery 21:262-267, 1993.
246 K. N. Shao, M. Tatagiba, and M. Samii. Surgical management of high jugular bulb in acoustic neurinoma via retrosigmoid approach [see comments]. Neurosurgery 32 (1):32-36, 1993.
247 M. Tatagiba, G. Penkert, and M. Samii. [Ganglia of peripheral nerves] Ganglien peripherer Nerven. Zentralbl.Neurochir. 54 (4):171-173, 1993.
248 G. A. Carvalho, A. Lindeke, M. Tatagiba, H. Ostertag, and M. Samii. Cranial granular-cell tumor of the trigeminal nerve. Case report. J.Neurosurg. 81 (5):795-798, 1994.
249 W. Deinsberger, D. K. Boker, H. W. Bothe, and M. Samii. Stereotactic endoscopic treatment of colloid cysts of the third ventricle. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 131 (3-4):260-264, 1994.
250 W. Deinsberger, D. K. Boker, and M. Samii. Flexible endoscopes in treatment of colloid cysts of the third ventricle. Minim.Invasive.Neurosurg. 37 (1):12-16, 1994.
251 W. Deinsberger, P. Vorkapic, and M. Samii. [Dural arteriovenous fistula as a rare cause of intracerebral hemorrhage] Durale arteriovenöse Fistel als seltene Ursache einer intrazerebralen Blutung. Nervenarzt 65 (10):704-706, 1994.
252 M. Dündar, G. Penkert, W. Winkelmüller, and M. Samii. Neurinom des Plexus brachialis. chir.praxis 48:503-507, 1994.
253 J. Klekamp, A. J. Raimondi, and M. Samii. Occult dysraphism in adulthood: clinical course and management. Childs Nerv.Syst. 10 (5):312-320, 1994.
254 U. Knappe, A. Brandis, A. Jödicke, M. Samii, R. Schönmayr, and G. Nikkah. Allogeinic Neurografting in the Rat Model of Parkinson´s disease: Effect of the Grafting Technique on the Functional and Morphological Integration of the Transplant. Advances in Neurosurgery 22:313-317, 1994.
255 G. Nikkhah, A. Rohlfs, C. Rosenthal, C. Rundfeldt, A. Brandis, M. Samii, and W. Löscher. Bilateral changes in Spontaneous Firing Activity of Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Neurons Induced by a Unilateral 6-Hydroxydopamine Lesion of the Rat Nigrostriatal Pathway. Europ J Neuroscience, 1994.
256 M. Samii and C. Matthies. Indication, technique and results of facial nerve reconstruction. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 130 (1-4):125-139, 1994.
257 M. Samii and M. Tatagiba. Resection of an Acoustic neuroma in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis 2. in: Strategies in Neurologic Surgery. Anonymous. Anonymous. New York:Upjohn Company. 2, 2, 1994.
258 M. Samii and J. Klekamp. Surgical results of 100 intramedullary tumors in relation to accompanying syringomyelia. Neurosurgery 35 (5):865-873, 1994.
259 M. Tatagiba, P. H. Aguiar, and M. Samii. Management of occult intrasacral meningocele associated with lumbar disc prolapse. Neurosurg.Rev. 17 (4):313-315, 1994.
260 M. Tatagiba, W. Bini, A. Sepehrnia, R. Eichhorn, A. Kleider, and M. Samii. Involvement of spinal nerves in neurofibromatosis. Neurosurg.Rev. 17 (1):43-49, 1994.
261 M. Tatagiba, C. Matthies, and M. Samii. Facial nerve reconstruction in neurofibromatosis 2. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 126 (2-4):72-75, 1994.
262 P. M. Zink, M. Samii, H. Oppenborn, C. Rathjen, W. Böhm, and C. Hartung. Anzugsdrehmomente und Normalkräfte über 3,5 mm-Spongiosaschrauben an HWS-Spondylodesen bei Osteoporose. Hefte zu “Der Unfallchirurg” (241):232-238, 1994.
263 P. H. Aguiar, M. Tatagiba, E. Dankoweit-Timpe, C. Matthies, M. Samii, and H. Ostertag. Proliferative activity of acoustic neurilemomas without neurofibromatosis determined by monoclonal antibody MIB 1. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 134 (1-2):35-39, 1995.
264 P. H. Aguiar, M. Tatagiba, M. Samii, E. Dankoweit-Timpe, and H. Ostertag. The comparison between the growth fraction of bilateral vestibular schwannomas in neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) and unilateral vestibular schwannomas using the monoclonal antibody MIB 1. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 134 (1-2):40-45, 1995.
265 K. Böker, M. Samii, and W. Deinsberger. Differential Approaches to Frontal Transbasal Meningiomas. In: Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery, edited by J. M. Sterkers, R. Charachon, and O. Sterkers, New York:Kugler Publications, 1995, p. 617-622.
266 J. Klekamp, M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, and A. Sepehrnia. Syringomyelia in association with tumours of the posterior fossa. Pathophysiological considerations, based on observations on three related cases. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 137 (1-2):38-43, 1995.
267 M. J. Pisaneschi, M. F. Mafee, and M. Samii. Applications of MR angiography in head and neck pathology. Otolaryngol.Clin.North Am. 28 (3):543-561, 1995.
268 M. Samii and C. Matthies. Hearing preservation in acoustic tumour surgery. Adv.Tech.Stand.Neurosurg. 22:343-373, 1995.
269 M. Samii. Hearing preservation in bilateral acoustic neurinomas. Br.J.Neurosurg. 9 (3):413-424, 1995.
270 M. Samii and C. Matthies. Acoustic neurinomas associated with vascular compression syndromes. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 134 (3-4):148-154, 1995.
271 M. Samii, M. L. Cheatham, and D. P. Becker. Atlas of Cranial Base Surgery, Philadelphia:Saunders, 1995. 350 pages.
272 M. Samii, M. M. Migliori, M. Tatagiba, and R. Babu. Surgical treatment of trigeminal schwannomas. J.Neurosurg. 82 (5):711-718, 1995.
273 M. Samii and M. Tatagiba. Tumoren im Felsenbein: Anforderungen des Neurochirurgen an die präoperative Bildgebung bei Akustikusneurinomen und Glomustumoren. Medizin im Bild 3:7-11, 1995.
274 M. Samii, R. P. Babu, M. Tatagiba, and A. Sepehrnia. Surgical treatment of jugular foramen schwannomas. J.Neurosurg. 82 (6):924-932, 1995.
275 M. Tatagiba, M. Samii, E. Dankoweit-Timpe, P. H. Aguiar, L. Osterwald, R. Babu, and H. Ostertag. Esthesioneuroblastomas with intracranial extension. Proliferative potential and management. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 53 (3-B):577-586, 1995.
276 A. Jürgens-Becker, G. Penkert, and M. Samii. Therapie traumatischer Armplexusläsionen. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 49:3262-3268, 1996.
277 J. Klekamp, U. Batzdorf, M. Samii, and H. W. Bothe. The surgical treatment of Chiari I malformation. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 138 (7):788-801, 1996.
278 J. Klekamp and M. Samii. Surgical results of spinal meningiomas. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 65:77-81, 1996.
279 J. Klekamp and M. Samii. Spinal chordomas–results of treatment over a 17-year period. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 138 (5):514-519, 1996.
280 C. Matthies, G. Carvalho, M. Tatagiba, M. Lima, and M. Samii. Meningiomas of the cerebellopontine angle. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 65:86-91, 1996.
281 V. F. Mautner, M. Lindenau, M. E. Baser, W. Hazim, M. Tatagiba, W. Haase, M. Samii, R. Wais, and S. M. Pulst. The neuroimaging and clinical spectrum of neurofibromatosis 2. Neurosurgery 38 (5):880-885, 1996.
282 S. Mirzai and M. Samii. Alteration of rCBF in skull base lesions. Acta Neurol.Scand.Suppl 166:155-160, 1996.
283 L. Osterwald, M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, and A. Ohlemutz. [Contralateral approach to clivus tumors using the transmaxillary-transethmoid approach] Kontralateraler Zugang zu Clivustumoren unter Verwendung des transmaxillar-transethmoidalen Weges. HNO 44 (3):130-133, 1996.
284 S. K. Rosahl, J. M. Berger, and M. Samii. Diagnostik und Therapie traumatischer Liquorfisteln. In: Traumatologie der Schädelbasis, edited by J. E. Hausamen and R. Schmelzeisen,Einhorn-Presse Verlag, 1996, p. 47-52.
285 M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, and M. L. Monteiro. Meningiomas involving the parasellar region. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 65:63-65, 1996.
286 M. Samii, G. A. Carvalho, M. Tatagiba, C. Matthies, and P. Vorkapic. Meningiomas of the tentorial notch: surgical anatomy and management. J.Neurosurg. 84 (3):375-381, 1996.
287 M. Samii, G. Carvalho, G. Nikkah, and G. Penkert. Neurotisation des Plexus brachialis: Interkostalnerven mit dem N.muculocutaneus. In: Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, edited by A. Berghaus,Einhorn-Presse Verlag, 1996, p. 471-472.
288 M. Samii, J. Klekamp, and G. Carvalho. Surgical results for meningiomas of the craniocervical junction. Neurosurgery 39 (6):1086-1094, 1996.
289 M. Samii, G. Carvalho, and M. Tatagiba. Tentorial and tentorial notch Meningiomas.Anonymous 1996, p. 1-12.
290 M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, J. Piquer, and G. A. Carvalho. Surgical treatment of epidermoid cysts of the cerebellopontine angle. J.Neurosurg. 84 (1):14-19, 1996.
291 M. Samii and M. Tatagiba. Tumors of the Jugular Foramen. Neurosurgery Quaterly 6 (3):176-193, 1996.
292 M. U. Shumann, S. Mirzai, M. Samii, and P. Vorkapic. Xenon/CT CBF measurements as valuable diagnostic tool in a case of bilateral occlusive cerebrovascular disease associated with intracranial aneurysm. Acta Neurol.Scand.Suppl 166:104-109, 1996.
293 M. Tatagiba, M. Samii, C. Matthies, and P. Vorkapic. Management of petroclival meningiomas: a critical analysis of surgical treatment. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 65:92-94, 1996.
294 M. Tatagiba, C. Matthies, and M. Samii. Microendoscopy of the internal auditory canal in vestibular schwannoma surgery. Neurosurgery 38 (4):737-740, 1996.
295 P. M. Zink, M. Samii, W. O. Lüdemann, and C. Rathjen. Anzugsmomente und resultierende Axialkräfte von unterschriedlichen Schrauben bei ventralen HWS-Spondylodesen. Hefte zu “Der Unfallchirurg” (257):357-361, 1996.
296 J. Antinheimo, H. Haapasalo, M. Haltia, M. Tatagiba, S. Thomas, A. Brandis, M. Sainio, O. Carpen, M. Samii, and J. Jaaskelainen. Proliferation potential and histological features in neurofibromatosis 2-associated and sporadic meningiomas. J.Neurosurg. 87 (4):610-614, 1997.
297 T. Brinker, W. Ludemann, von Rautenfeld Berens, and M. Samii. Dynamic properties of lymphatic pathways for the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid. Acta Neuropathol.(Berl) 94 (5):493-498, 1997.
298 T. Brinker, W. Ludemann, D. B. von Rautenfeld, F. Brassel, H. Becker, and M. Samii. Breakdown of the meningeal barrier surrounding the intraorbital optic nerve after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. Am.J.Ophthalmol. 124 (3):373-380, 1997.
299 G. Carvalho, G. Nikkah, and M. Samii. Diagnostik und operative Indikationsstellung bei traumatischen Armplexusläsionen aus neurochirurgischer Sicht. Orthopäde 26 (599):605, 1997.
300 G. Carvalho, G. Nikkah, and M. Samii. Schmerzbehandlung nach posttraumatischen Armplexusläsionen. Orthopäde 26:621-625, 1997.
301 G. A. Carvalho, G. Nikkhah, and M. Samii. [Pain management after post-traumatic brachial plexus lesions. Conservative and surgical therapy possibilities] Schmerzbehandlung nach posttraumatischen Armplexuslasionen. Konservative und operative Therapiemoglichkeiten. Orthopade 26 (7):621-625, 1997.
302 G. A. Carvalho, P. Vorkapic, G. Biewener, and M. Samii. Cystic meningiomas resembling glial tumors. Surg.Neurol. 47 (3):284-289, 1997.
303 G. A. Carvalho, G. Nikkhah, C. Matthies, G. Penkert, and M. Samii. Diagnosis of root avulsions in traumatic brachial plexus injuries: value of computerized tomography myelography and magnetic resonance imaging [see comments]. J.Neurosurg. 86 (1):69-76, 1997.
304 G. A. Carvalho, G. Nikkhah, and M. Samii. [Diagnosis and surgical indications of traumatic brachial plexus lesions from the neurosurgery viewpoint] Diagnostik und operative Indikationstellung bei traumatischen Armplexuslasionen aus neurochirurgischer Perspektive. Orthopade 26 (7):599-605, 1997.
305 E. Elolf, M. Tatagiba, and M. Samii. Colorcoded 3D-CT for pathologies in and around the petrous bone. Klin Neuroradiol 7:72-76, 1997.
306 C. Frohne, A. Lesinski, C. Matthies, R. D. Battmer, M. Samii, and T. Lenarz. Overview of auditory potentials evoked by electrical stimulation. Audiologische Akustik 4:168-176, 1997.
307 J. Klekamp, U. Batzdorf, M. Samii, and H. W. Bothe. Treatment of syringomyelia associated with arachnoid scarring caused by arachnoiditis or trauma. J.Neurosurg. 86 (2):233-240, 1997.
308 C. Matthies, M. Samii, and S. Krebs. Management of vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): radiological features in 202 cases–their value for diagnosis and their predictive importance. Neurosurgery 40 (3):469-481, 1997.
309 C. Matthies and M. Samii. Management of 1000 vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): clinical presentation. Neurosurgery 40 (1):1-9, 1997.
310 C. Matthies and M. Samii. Management of vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): the value of neurophysiology for intraoperative monitoring of auditory function in 200 cases. Neurosurgery 40 (3):459-466, 1997.
311 C. Matthies and M. Samii. Direct brainstem recording of auditory evoked potentials during vestibular schwannoma resection: nuclear BAEP recording. Technical note and preliminary results. J.Neurosurg. 86 (6):1057-1062, 1997.
312 C. Matthies and M. Samii. Management of vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): the value of neurophysiology for evaluation and prediction of auditory function in 420 cases. Neurosurgery 40 (5):919-929, 1997.
313 G. Nikkhah, G. Carvalho, and M. Samii. Nerventransplantation und Neurolysis des Plexus brachialis nach posttraumatischen Läsionen. Orthopäde 26:612-620, 1997.
314 G. Nikkhah, G. A. Carvalho, and M. Samii. [Nerve transplantation and neurolysis of the brachial plexus after post-traumatic lesions] Nerventransplantation und Neurolyse des Plexus brachialis nach posttraumatischen Lasionen. Orthopade 26 (7):612-620, 1997.
315 G. Nikkhah, G. Carvalho, and M. Samii. Nerventransfer (Neurotisation) zur funktionellen Wiederherstellung von Armfunktionen bei zervikalen Wurzelausrissen. Orthopäde 26:606-611, 1997.
316 G. Nikkhah, G. A. Carvalho, and M. Samii. [Nerve transfer (neurotization) for functional reconstruction of arm functions in cervical root avulsions] Nerventransfer (Neurotisation) zur funktionellen Wiederherstellung von Armfunktionen bein zervikalen Wurzelausrissen. Orthopade 26 (7):606-611, 1997.
317 G. Penkert, R. Charachon, G. Nikkah, and M. Samii. Neurotisation bei Wurzelausrissen des Plexus brachialis mittels des Nervus accessorius als Spendernerv. In: Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, edited by A. Berghaus,Einhorn-Presse Verlag, 1997, p. 468-469.
318 A. Rohlfs, G. Nikkah, C. Rosenthal, C. Rundfeldt, A. Brandis, M. Samii, and W. Loscher. Hemispheric asymmetries in spontaneous firing characteristics of substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons following a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the rat nigrostriatal pathway. Brain Res. 761 (2):352-356, 1997.
319 M. Samii, G. Nikkah, G. Carvalho, M. Tatagiba, and G. Penkert. Zur funktionellen Rekonstruktion des N.axillaris bei traumatischen Armplexus-Läsionen. In: Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, edited by A. Berghaus,Einhorn-Presse Verlag, 1997, p. 466-468.
320 M. Samii, G. A. Carvalho, G. Nikkhah, and G. Penkert. Surgical reconstruction of the musculocutaneous nerve in traumatic brachial plexus injuries. J.Neurosurg. 87 (6):881-886, 1997.
321 M. Samii, G. Nikkah, G. Carvalho, and G. Penkert. Periphere Nerventransplantation zur Rekonstruktion des N.muculocutaneus bei traumatischen Armplexus-Läsionen. In: Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, edited by A. Berghaus,Einhorn-Presse Verlag, 1997, p. 464-466.
322 M. Samii, G. A. Carvalho, M. Tatagiba, and C. Matthies. Surgical management of meningiomas originating in Meckel’s cave. Neurosurgery 41 (4):767-774, 1997.
323 M. Samii, C. Matthies, and M. Tatagiba. Management of vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): auditory and facial nerve function after resection of 120 vestibular schwannomas in patients with neurofibromatosis 2. Neurosurgery 40 (4):696-705, 1997.

324 M. Samii and M. Tatagiba. Surgical management of craniopharyngiomas: a review. Neurol.Med.Chir (Tokyo) 37 (2):141-149, 1997.
325 M. Samii. Die Exstirpation von Akustikusneurinomen über den retrosigmoidalen (lateral-subokzipitalen) Zugang. In: Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, edited by H. H. Naumann, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 1997, p. 301-312.
326 M. Samii and C. Matthies. Management of 1000 vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): surgical management and results with an emphasis on complications and how to avoid them. Neurosurgery 40 (1):11-21, 1997.
327 M. Samii and C. Matthies. Management of 1000 vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): the facial nerve–preservation and restitution of function. Neurosurgery 40 (4):684-694, 1997.
328 M. Samii and C. Matthies. Management of 1000 vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas): hearing function in 1000 tumor resections. Neurosurgery 40 (2):248-260, 1997.
329 M. U. Schuhmann, W. O. Lüdemann, H. Schreiber, and M. Samii. Cerebellopontine Angle Lipoma: A Rare Differential Diagnosis. Skull Base Surgery 7 (4):199-203, 1997.
330 M. U. Schuhmann, W. O. Lüdemann, G. Nikkah, G. Carvalho, C. Matthies, G. Penkert, and M. Samii. Die Behandlung traumatischer Läsionen des Nervus ulnaris: Indikation, Technik und Ergebnisse. In: Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, edited by A. Berghaus,Einhorn-Presse Verlag, 1997, p. 462-464.
331 P. M. Zink, M. Samii, W. Luedemann, M. Bellinzona, and M. Prokop. Accuracy of single-energy quantitative computed tomography in the assessment of bone mineral density of cervical vertebrae. Eur.Radiol. 7 (9):1436-1440, 1997.
332 A. Brandis, H. Kuder, U. Knappe, A. Jodicke, R. Schonmayr, M. Samii, G. F. Walter, and G. Nikkhah. Time-dependent expression of donor- and host-specific major histocompatibility complex class I and II antigens in allogeneic dopamine-rich macro- and micrografts: comparison of two different grafting protocols. Acta Neuropathol.(Berl) 95 (1):85-97, 1998.
333 T. Brinker, H. Beck, P. Klinge, B. Kischnik, S. Oi, and M. Samii. Sinusoidal intrathecal infusion for assessment of CSF dynamics in kaolin-induced hydrocephalus. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 140 (10):1069-1075, 1998.
334 T. Brinker, G. Arango, J. Kaminsky, A. Samii, U. Thorns, P. Vorkapic, and M. Samii. An experimental approach to image guided skull base surgery employing a microscope-based neuronavigation system. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 140 (9):883-889, 1998.
335 E. Elolf, M. Tatagiba, and M. Samii. Three-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction: planning tool for surgery of skull base pathologies. Comput.Aided Surg. 3 (2):89-94, 1998.
336 S. A. Funt, M. Samii, and B. S. Leitman. Environmentally conscious film masking system for mammography [letter; comment]. AJR Am.J.Roentgenol. 170 (5):1398, 1998.
337 J. Klekamp and M. Samii. Surgery of spinal nerve sheath tumors with special reference to neurofibromatosis. Neurosurgery 42 (2):279-289, 1998.
338 J. Klekamp and M. Samii. Surgical Results for Spinal Metastases. Acta Neurochir.(Wien.) 140:957-967, 1998.
339 P. M. Klinge, J. Fischer, T. Brinker, H. E. Heissler, W. Burchert, G. Berding, W. H. Knapp, and M. Samii. PET and CBF studies of chronic hydrocephalus: a contribution to surgical indication and prognosis. J.Neuroimaging 8 (4):205-209, 1998.
340 W. Luedemann, T. Brinker, M. U. Schuhmann, A. I. von Brenndorf, and M. Samii. Direct magnification technique for cerebral angiography in the rat. Invest Radiol. 33 (7):421-424, 1998.
341 G. Nikkhah, C. Rosenthal, G. Falkenstein, and M. Samii. Dopaminergic graft-induced long-term recovery of complex sensorimotor behaviors in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Zentralbl.Neurochir. 59 (2):97-103, 1998.
342 G. Nikkhah, C. Rosenthal, H. J. Hedrich, and M. Samii. Differences in acquisition and full performance in skilled forelimb use as measured by the ‘staircase test’ in five rat strains. Behav.Brain Res. 92 (1):85-95, 1998.
343 S. K. Rosahl, M. U. Schuhmann, S. Thomas, T. Brinker, and M. Samii. Brain-stem auditory evoked potential monitoring in experimental diffuse brain injury. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 71:88-90, 1998.
344 S. K. Rosahl, P. Vorkapic, R. Eghbal, H. Ostertag, and M. Samii. Ossified and de novo cavernous malformations in the same patient. Clin.Neurol.Neurosurg. 100 (2):138-143, 1998.
345 M. Samii, S. K. Rosahl, G. A. Carvalho, and T. Krzizok. Microvascular decompression for superior oblique myokymia: first experience. Case report [see comments]. J.Neurosurg. 89 (6):1020-1024, 1998.
346 C. Schatzmann, H. E. Heissler, K. Konig, P. Klinge-Xhemajli, E. Rickels, M. Muhling, M. Borschel, and M. Samii. Treatment of elevated intracranial pressure by infusions of 10% saline in severely head injured patients. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 71:31-33, 1998.
347 M. U. Schuhmann, S. Thomas, V. H. Hans, H. Beck, T. Brinker, and M. Samii. CSF dynamics in a rodent model of closed head injury. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 71:300-302, 1998.
348 S. Thomas, F. Tabibnia, M. U. Schuhmann, V. H. Hans, T. Brinker, and M. Samii. Traumatic brain injury in the developing rat pup: studies of ICP, PVI and neurological response. Acta Neurochir.Suppl (Wien.) 71:135-137, 1998.
349 S. Gunia, S. Hussein, D. L. Radu, K. M. Putz, R. Breyer, H. Hecker, M. Samii, G. F. Walter, and A. C. Stan. CD44s-targeted treatment with monoclonal antibody blocks intracerebral invasion and growth of 9L gliosarcoma. Clin.Exp.Metastasis 17 (3):221-230, 1999.
350 J. Kaminsky, T. Brinker, A. Samii, G. Arango, P. Vorkapic, and M. Samii. Technical considerations regarding accuracy of the MKM navigation system. An experimental study on impact factors. Neurol.Res. 21 (4):420-424, 1999.
351 J. Klekamp and M. Samii. Surgical results for spinal meningiomas. Surg.Neurol. 52 (6):552-562, 1999.
352 J. Klekamp and M. Samii. Extradural infections of the spine. Spinal Cord. 37 (2):103-109, 1999.
353 P. M. Klinge, H. Beck, T. Brinker, G. F. Walter, and M. Samii. Induction of heat shock protein 70 in the rat brain following intracisternal infusion of autologous blood: evaluation of acute neuronal damage. J.Neurosurg. 91 (5):843-850, 1999.
354 P. M. Klinge, G. Berding, T. Brinker, W. H. Knapp, and M. Samii. A positron emission tomography study of cerebrovascular reserve before and after shunt surgery in patients with idiopathic chronic hydrocephalus. J.Neurosurg. 91 (4):605-609, 1999.
355 M. Muhling, J. Krage, S. Hussein, and M. Samii. Indication for repeat surgery of glioblastoma: influence of progress of disease. Front Radiat.Ther.Oncol. 33:192-201, 1999.
356 G. Penkert, G. A. Carvalho, G. Nikkhah, M. Tatagiba, C. Matthies, and M. Samii. Diagnosis and surgery of brachial plexus injuries. J.Reconstr.Microsurg. 15 (1):3-8, 1999.
357 M. Saini, M. Bellinzona, F. Meyer, G. Cali, and M. Samii. Morphometrical characterization of two glioma models in the brain of immunocompetent and immunodeficient rats. J.Neurooncol. 42 (1):59-67, 1999.
358 M. Saini, M. Bellinzona, W. Weichhold, and M. Samii. A new xenograft model of primary central nervous system lymphoma. J.Neurooncol. 43 (2):153-160, 1999.
359 M. Samii, G. A. Carvalho, M. U. Schuhmann, and C. Matthies. Arachnoid cysts of the posterior fossa. Surg.Neurol. 51 (4):376-382, 1999.
360 M. Samii, S. K. Rosahl, and G. Carvalho. Microvascular Decompression – Response to a letter. J.Neurosurg. 91:350, 1999.
361 M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, and G. Carvalho. Resection of large petroclival meningiomas by the simple retrosigmoid route. J.of Clin.Neuroscience 6 (1):27-30, 1999.
362 M. Samii, T. Brinker, and A. Samii. Image-guided neurosurgery–state of the art and outlook. Wien.Klin.Wochenschr. 111 (16):618-628, 1999.
363 H. Schliephake, R. Schmelzeisen, M. Samii, and W. P. Sollmann. Microvascular reconstruction of the skull base: indications and procedures. J.Oral Maxillofac.Surg. 57 (3):233-239, 1999.
364 M. U. Schuhmann, D. F. Suhr, H. H. Gösseln, A. Brauer, J. P. Jantzen, and M. Samii. Local brain surface temperature compared to temperatures measured at standard extracranial monitoring sites during posterior fossa surgery. J.Neurosurg.Anesthesiol. 11 (2):90-95, 1999.
365 C. Winkler, C. Bentlage, G. Nikkhah, M. Samii, and A. Bjorklund. Intranigral transplants of GABA-rich striatal tissue induce behavioral recovery in the rat Parkinson model and promote the effects obtained by intrastriatal dopaminergic transplants. Exp.Neurol. 155 (2):165-186, 1999.
366 R. Breyer, S. Hussein, D. L. Radu, K. M. Putz, S. Gunia, H. Hecker, M. Samii, G. F. Walter, and A. C. Stan. Disruption of intracerebral progression of C6 rat glioblastoma by in vivo treatment with anti-CD44 monoclonal antibody. J.Neurosurg. 92 (1):140-149, 2000.
367 G. A. Carvalho, M. Tatagiba, and M. Samii. Cystic schwannomas of the jugular foramen: clinical and surgical remarks. Neurosurgery 46 (3):560-566, 2000.
368 H. U. Gerbershagen and M. Samii. Schmerzausschaltung und chirurgische Schmerzbekämpfung. In: Lehrbuch der Chirurgie, edited by K. Vossschulte, F. Kümmerle, H. J. Peiper, and S. Weller, Stuttgart:Thieme Verlag, 2000,
369 J. Kaminsky, B. Kischnik, G. Graubner, A. Newe, J. Lotz, S. Hussein, H. Becker, and M. Samii. Universal interface for exchange of medical images via magneto-optical discs . Comput.Med.Imaging Graph. 24 (2):99-104, 2000.
370 S. Mirzai and M. Samii. CBF determination in brain stem and cerebellar hemispheres. Keio J.Med. 49 Suppl 1:A45-A50, 2000.
371 S. Mirzai and M. Samii. Current status and future challenges in cerebral blood flow mapping in intracranial tumors. Keio J.Med. 49 Suppl 1:A16-A24, 2000.
372 A. Rodter, C. Winkler, M. Samii, and G. Nikkhah. Complex sensorimotor behavioral changes after terminal striatal 6-OHDA lesion and transplantation of dopaminergic embryonic micrografts . Cell Transplant. 9 (2):197-214, 2000.
373 S. K. Rosahl, A. Gharabaghi, P. M. Zink, and M. Samii. Monitoring of blood parameters following anterior cervical fusion. J.Neurosurg. 92 (2 Suppl):169-174, 2000.
374 M. Samii, M. Tatagiba, and G. A. Carvalho. Retrosigmoid intradural suprameatal approach to Meckel’s cave and the middle fossa: surgical technique and outcome. J.Neurosurg. 92 (2):235-241, 2000.
375 S. K. Rosahl, V. Erpenbeck, P. Vorkapic, M. Samii. Solitary follicular thyroid carcinoma of the skull base and ist differentiation from ectopic adenoma – review, use of galectin-3 and report of a new case. Case Report. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 102: 149-155, 2000.
376 M. Samii and C. Matthies. Gamma surgery for vestibular schwannoma [letter; comment]. J.Neurosurg. 92 (5):892-894, 2000.
377 Martin U. Schuhmann, Marcos Tatagiba, Claudia Hader, Almuth Brandis, Madjid Samii. Ectopic Choroid Plexus within a Juvenile Arachnoid Cyst of the Cerebellopontine Angle: Cause of Cyst Formation or Reason of Cyst Growth. Pediatric Neurosurgery 2000;32:73-76.
378 S.K. Rosahl, M. Tatagiba, C. Matthies, T. Brinker and M. Samii. Restitution of Auditory Function – Experimental Approaches. 1999 by Monduzzi Editore S.p.A. – MEDIMOND Inc. – Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other CPA Tumors – Editors Mario Sanna, Abdelkader Taibah, Alessandra Russo, Fernando Mancini
379 Wolf O. Luedemann, Marcos S. Tatagiba, Sami Hussein, Madjid Samii. Congenital arthrogryposis associated with atlantoaxial subluxation and dysraphic abnormalities. Case report. J.Neurosurg (Spine 1) 93: 130-132, 2000.
380 Wolf Luedemann, Alexandro C. Stan, Marcos Tatagiba, Madjid Samii. Sporadic Unilateral Vestibular Schwannoma with Islets of Meningioma: Case Report. Neurosurgery, Vol. 47, No. 2, August 2000.
381 Sebastian Thomas, Mayumi L. Prins, Madjid Samii, and David A. Hovda. Cerebral Metabolic Response to Traumatic Brain Injury Sustained Early in Development: A 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose Autoradiographic Study. Journal of Neurotrauma Volume 17, Number 8, 2000.
382 A. Lesinski-Schiedat, C. Frohne, A. Illg, U. Rost, C. Matthies, R.-D. Battmer, M. Samii, T. Lenarz.
Auditory brainstem implant in auditory rehabilitation of patients with neurofibromatosis type 2: Hannover programme. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, December 2000, Vol. 114, Supplement No. 27, pp. 15-17.
383 S. Thomas, F. Tabibnia, M.U. Schuhmann, T. Brinker, M. Samii. ICP und MABP Following Traumatic
Hemorrhage in the Rat. Acta Neurochir. (2000) Suppl. 76: 203 – 205.
384 S. Thomas, F. Tabibnia, M.U. Schuhmann, T. Brinker, M. Samii. Influences of Secondary Injury Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Developing Versus Adult Rats. Acta Neurochir. (2000) Suppl. 76: 397 – 399.
385 M.U. Schuhmann, Martin Engel, Lorenz Runge, Madjid Samii, Thomas Brinker. Application of clinically recorded ICP patterns – an extension of conventional shunt testing. Child’s Nerve System (2000) 16: 856 – 861.
386 C. Matthies, S. Thomas, M. Moshrefi, A. Lesinski-Schiedat, C. Frohne, R.-D. Battmer, T. Lenarz, M. Samii. Auditory brainstem implants: current neurosurgical experiences and perspective. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. December 2000, Vol. 114, Suppl. No. 27, pp. 32-36.
387 W. Lüdemann, C. Schneekloth, M. Samii, S. Hussein. Arterial supply of the temporo-medial region of the brain: significance for preoperative vascular occlusion testing. Surg. Radiol. Anat. (2001) 23: pp. 39-43
388 Jörg Klekamp, M.D., Katja Völkel, cand. med., Claus J. Bartels,, Madjid Samii, M.D. Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Attributable to Arachnoid Scarring Cause Interstitial Edema of the Cat Spinal Cord. Neurosurgery, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2001
389 Madjid Samii, Marcos Tatagiba. Craniopharyngioma. Chapter 46 pp. 944 – 964 Brain Tumors, An encyclopedic approach, Second Edition, Edited by Andrew H. Kaye, Edward R. Laws, Churchill Livingstone 2001
390 Jörg Klekamp, Giorgio Iaconetta, Madjid Samii. Spontaneous Resolution of Chiari I Malformation and Syringomyelia: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Neurosurgery, Vol. 48, No. 3, March 2001.
391 M. Tatagiba, G. Iaconnetta & M. Samii. Epidermoid cyst of the cavernous sinus: clinical features, pathogenesis and treatment, June 2000 Cavernous sinus epidermoid p. 571 – 575
392 Marion Rittierodt, Thomas Tschernig, Madjid Samii, Gerhard F. Walter, Alexandru C. Stan. Evidence of recurrent atypical meningioma with rhabdoid transformation and expression of pyrogenic cytkines in a child presenting with a marked acute-phase response: case report and review of the literature. Journal of Neuroimmunology 120 (2001) pp. 129 – 137
393 Georg Berding, Per Odin, David J. Brooks, Guido Nikkhah, Cordula Matthies, Thomas Peschel, Mona Shing, Hans Kolbe, Jörg van den Hoff, Harald Fricke, Reinhard Dengler, Madjid Samii, Wolfram H. Knapp. Resting Regional Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Studied in the Off and On Conditions with (F) FDG-PET. Movement Disorders Vol. 16, No. 6, 2001 pp.1014-1022
394 M. Tatagiba, S. Rosahl, A. Gharabaghi, U. Blömer, A. Brandis, A. Skerra, M. Samii, M.E. Schwab.
Regeneration of Auditory Nerve Following Complete Sectioning and Intrathecal Application of the IN-1 Antibody. Acta Neurochirurgica (2001) 143.
395 F. Roser, S.K. Rosahl, M. Samii. Single cerebral metastasis 3 and 19 years after primari renal cell
carcinoma: case report and review of the literature. J Neurol Psychiatry 2002; 72: 257 – 258.
396 Petra Margarete Klinge, Morad Ali Vafa, Thomas Brinker, Almuth Brandis, Gerhard Franz Walter, Thomas Stieglitz, Madjid Samii, Konstantin Wewetzer. Immunohistorial characterization of axonal sprouting and reactive tissue changes after long-term implantation of a polyimide sieve electrode to the transected adult rat sciatic nerve. Biomaterial 22 (2001) pp. 2333-2343.
397 Elolf, E., Tatagiba, M., Vorkapic, P., Samii, M. Ersetzt die 3D-CT-Angiografie die digitale Subtraktionsangiografie in der Diagnostik akuter Subarachnoidalblutungen? Proceedings zum Workshop Rechner- und sensorgestützte Chirurgie 19.-20. Juli 2001, Heidelberg.
398 E. Elolf, M. Nakamura, P. Vorkapic, M. Samii. Profitiert der Patient von der Anwendung der Navigation (Freihandstereotaxie) bei neurochirurgischen Operationen? – Betrachtung an 104 konsekutiven Fällen. Proceedings zum Workshop Rechner- und sensorgestützte Chirurgie 19.-20. Juli 2001, Heidelberg.
399 M. Lorenz, G. Graubner, H. Schumann, S. Hussein, M. Samii. Computergestützte plastische Deckung von Schädelkalottendefekten. Zentralbl Neurochir 2001; 98 – 101. J.A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG. ISSN 0044-4251.
400 A. Schmidinger, S.K. Rosahl, P. Vorkapic, M. Samii. Natural history of chondroid skull base lesions – case report and review. Neuroradiology (2002) 44: 268 – 271.
401 E. Marques, A. Brandis, M. Samii and M. Tatagiba. Late metastasis of breast adenocarcinoma into internal auditory canal and cerebellopontine angle. Case report. Arq Neuropsiquiatr (2002); 60 (3-A): 639-642.
402 M. Nakamura and M. Samii. Surgical management of meningioma in the retrosellar region. Case
report. Acta Neurochirurgica, Berlin:Springer-Verlag, Vol. 145, No. 3, 2003, 215-220.
403 T. Van Havenbergh, G. Carvalho, M. Tatagiba, C. Plets and M. Samii. Natural History of Petroclival Meningiomas. Neurosurgery, Vol. 52, No. 1, Januar 2003, 55 – 64.
404 A. Samii, G. A. Carvalho, M. Samii. Brachial plexus injury: factors affecting functional outcome in spinal accessory nerve transfer for the restoration of elbow flexion. J. Neurosurg, Vol. 98, Februar 2003, 307-312
405 D. Hellwig, A. Gharabaghi, S. K. Rosahl, H. J. Freund, M. Samii. Volumetric image-guidance for electrode placement in motor cortex stimulation for the treatment of chronic refractory pain (N° 28). Libro de Ponencias y Comunicaciones libres.VI Reunión Annual de la SED (Sociedad Española del Dolor), 6th INS (International Neuromodulation Society) World Congress, June 25-28, 2003, Palacio de Congresos, Madrid, 61.
406 M. Samii, F. Roser, M. Nakamura. Skull base meningiomas: challenges and solutions (VS 156). Fourth International Conference on Vestibular Schwannoma and other CPA Lesions – Conference Proceedings 13.- 17.07.2003, Cambridge, UK. Editors: D. M. Baguley, R. T. Ramsden & D. A. Moffat, p. 110-111.
407 O. Shizuo, A. Samii, M. Samii. Operative techniques for the third ventricle. Operative Techniques in Neurosurgery.
408 S. K. Rosahl. O. Kassem, U. Piepgras, D. Hellwig, M. Samii. High resolution CISS imaging in tethered cord syndrome. American Journal of Neuroradiology.